2023-2024 Governing Board

Chairman – Emma Tijanich

Vice Chairman of Membership - Jack Mussoline

Vice Chairman of Philanthropy - Hailey Hummel

Vice Chairman of Special Events– Cooper Mussoline

Vice Chairman of Fundraising – Parker Houldin Recording Secretary - Avery Brostrom

Corresponding Secretary - Devon Silberman

Treasurer – Colby Delaura

Appointed Positions

Hospitality – Jordan McClellan & Emma Ladisky

Adopt-a-Family - Class Reps

MOW/MOW Crafts - Izzy Romero

Photographer - Makayla Begazo

Grade Level Reps - Responsible for CTL Trees

7 - TBD

8- Parker Vanleeuwen

9- Reese Delong

10- Chloe Beimfohr

11- Jeremy Kriesand

12- Open